
Nice to Meet You!

I remember graduating college having no idea what I wanted to do when I entered the “real world.” A psychology major and sociology minor led me to a job in Human Resources. I never envisioned myself working in corporate America but that’s where I ended. And I was miserable. At the time, I was working with a therapist and each session I would complain about the same thing. My job. Until one day he said to me, “Jen, do you know the definition of insanity?” It’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. And with that, the light bulb went on over my head and I realized I needed to make a BIG change.

Fast forward and I went back to school to get my Masters in Social Work and ended up with a job that turned into a dream job, ironically back in corporate America. I have always said that I wanted to bring more humanity into the workplace. I have had the privilege of doing so for the last 8+ years. I continue to build programs in the workplace to help support parents and caregivers. During this time, I developed a passion with coaching employees on their transition to becoming working parents.

As a Certified Professional Coach, I am here to support you on your quest to find your full potential, to live the life you have dreamed. Whether you are a recent grad or a member of the C-suite, let’s get you to where YOU want to be.